
Mobile App

Native Android app made with java/kotlin and IOS app made with objective-c/swift or Cross-platform app made with flutter.

Game Development

2D or 3D games made with cocos2d-x or Unity3D. Additional optimization and plugins for mobile deployment can be applied.


APIs or Microservices primarily build with Golang and MongoDB. Server-side integration with AWS EC2.


Unity3D Game Programmer

Maccima Games

June 15, 2021 - Present

Make the prototype and core system of the new game.

Implement different game mechanics such as different puzzles and challenges.

Handle networking unity code using PUN2.

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featured projects

Filipino Food Recipes

It is my first official flutter application, a food recipe app with different functionality such as create recipe, search, favorites, grocery list, etc.. I’ve use both bloc and getx library for my state management and hiveDB to cache some data.


Flood Fill Image

Flutter widget that can use paint bucket functionality on the provided image using Queue-Linear Flood Fill Algorithm by J. Dunlap. This was also my first package contribution for Flutter.


Heroes of Dynasty

an ARPG MMO which is inspired by Dynasty Warrior, it has different features such as login function, inventory system, chat, siege, and weapon upgrade system. This was a turn-over game from Korea which one of my role is to maintain, update and fix the issue in server side.
Associated Company: Redbana Philippines Corporation


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